Symptoms of depression in children often include:
- sadness, or a low mood that doesn't go away
- being irritable or grumpy all the time
- not being interested in things they used to enjoy
- feeling tired and exhausted a lot of the time
- have trouble sleeping or sleep more than usual
- not be able to concentrate
- interact less with friends and family
- be indecisive
- not have much confidence
- eat less than usual or overeat
- have big changes in weight
- seem unable to relax or be more lethargic than usual
- talk about feeling guilty or worthless
- feel empty or unable to feel emotions (numb)
- have thoughts about suicide or self-harming
- actually self-harm, for example, cutting their skin or taking on overdose
Older children who are depressed may misuse drugs or alcohol.
Our mission as teachers is to detect the first symptoms, to help children to talk about their problems, to support them and if we can, to change a sad face into a smiling one.
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